University Dorm Wireless (ResNet)

Comes here often

University Dorm Wireless (ResNet)

   Hi everybody. I am new to the forum and I wanted to "brake the ice" by asking the community for any suggestions or guidelines to consider regarding our new project. Our Dorms have been limping for quite a while now when it come to wireless. The design and deployment is well over eight years old with Aerohive AP's scattered about.  It was really about "coverage" and not giving them a production type deployment. We were granted funding to cover new wireless for the dorm that includes Meraki MS125 switches and MR36 access points. This will be approached as if wireless never existed. All new design. 
  Has anyone out there gone through a similar deployment?

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal

I think a good first step should be a predictive survey.  Do you have CAD plans or any format of decent floor plans to scale?  Are you able to estimate the client count and types of clients?


Then depending on budget and scale you might also want a passive and/or active survey done on site to get a solid understanding of what you need to provide good coverage and capacity.



- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
Comes here often

We have done a survey, client counts, etc. The plans will be a little harder to come by as some of the dorms are almost 40 years old. I do have plans for the newer dorms. 
What I am curious about is if anyone gone through a deployment of MR30H,36H similar to  the Meraki hospitality design document. We are going to be testing Splash access along  with Meraki's beta private WLAN. 

So if anyone has deployed MR30H,36H like this I would love to hear about it.


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