Ran into an issue while testing a setup with MR44 and Ascom VoFi Phones.
Wireless-Setup was done in this basic way:
DHCP: local
802.11r: off
802.11w: off
Auth: WPA3
Issue: Bad connection (sporadically disconnects), roaming is working bad.
-> Enabeld 802.11r -> same problem
-> switched to WPA2 -> solved the problem
Just as an example, my experience in the last 20years was:
It's nearly always an end-device problem. Got so much trouble with "ultra fast raoming" in combination with Aironet and CCX - most of the time the clients did not support the protocol ;).
So for your problem:
1. Check basic coverage, simply done with the Unify WifiMan App (Android) and check the roaming behaviour
2. Log date/time-stamps from affected clients when the disconnect happens and search Dashboard log.
3. Try to find out if it is an end-device problem of the bar-code scanner or a global problem (test with an windows notebook and walk through the area)
4. Check the APs load, if there are too many client connected/bandwith used.