Support Data Bundle (SDB) question

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Support Data Bundle (SDB) question

Hi everyone,


May I ask if the SDB will be deleted if we reboot the device? Ex. Firewall

4 Replies 4
A model citizen

Yes, grab the logs before you reboot.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't know the answer.  As @jimmyt234 says, I would try and grab it before device reboot, but I would be surprised if it couldn't capture some kind of persistent log information after reboot.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @Lourdes ,


When you use the SDB tool, it'll automatically download the file to your computer - this may take 10-60 seconds to complete depending on the state the device is in.


The file is generated on-demand when you use the tool, so if you're experiencing an issue and Support asks you for an OOB/SDB (Out of band / Support Data Bundle) file, make sure you do this before rebooting the device, else a lot of the logs that are helpful to support may be lost or no longer relevant.





Getting noticed

Okay. Thanks for the info.

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