Your experience in this area is greater than mine, so I mostly offer moral support. 🙂
>However since Cisco and Cisco Meraki is just a teensie weensie bit more expensive than a Zyxel solution I am a bit worried about mainly the cost but also the potentia of having to double the AP count.
If you know in your heart that you need to do it a particular way to make it work, then do it that way, regardless of cost. It is simply the cost of doing it correctly. Don't be afraid to refuse to do poor workmanship.
>The environment has one tricky issue and that is that the racks are mobile.
Could this be an opportunity? Could you put an omni AP on a mobile rack and use it in MESH mode? Battery with an environmental enclosure?
If the environment is less than 24x7 (let's pretend it operates 12 hours a day), could you create a battery operated AP in an enclosure that operates in MESH mode, that is removed at the end of each shift (like the phones) for charging, and then taken in again the next morning when work starts again?
>There are some phone issues
Could the core issue be re-examined - the phones? Would using a different model or type of phone resolve the issue? Could it be that the wrong problem is being fixed?
Its probably going to be bad - but could you put an AP on the outside of the freezer unit and then measure how far (if at all) the WiFi can penetrate into the freezer? Perhaps this might open up additional mounting locations?
Good luck. It's going to be tough.