SSID witch MAC Filtering

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SSID witch MAC Filtering


I am configuring an SSID with MAC Filtering, in the following way.


Configure an SSID with a PSK.





Configure Firewall rules & traffic shaping as follows.





Set up a Group policies and I am applying it to a MAC address that I registere.





All those devices whose MAC address is registered are connected, obtain an IP and have access to the Internet.


But I have a MAC address that is not registered, much less I am applying the group policy and this device manages to connect and obtain an IP, it does not have navigation, much less internet.


But I want to prevent it from not getting an IP and not connecting at all.

Is there any way to achieve this???

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Is the device associating to SSID    'M-F'  ?   How is it getting the Pre Shared Key?

With the setup you have, if you want to prevent association, you need to keep the key private.   Without the key, the client won't be able to access the SSID

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