To provide some feedback as well on the RX-SOP feature.
RX-SOP will only affect downlink, not uplink. So clients do not change, only the AP will 'act' differently. It will basically make it so that any packet it hears at the threshold you set (or weaker) it will ignore it and not waste any time on it. So it will help downlink throughput, potentially by a large amount especially in HD enviornments.
However, if you are setting the threshold too strong (like -65) its going to have a huge impact. Say you walk away from the AP with a laptop and a cellphone, by the time you get 30 feet away, the AP is going to start hearing the cellphone at -66 and then start ignoring its packets. The cell phone will now hard drop. The laptop wireless card has more power, so he might go another 20 feet before he gets 'dropped'. This will happen often and the clients will never be able to roam to another AP based on their algorithm.
To them, all they will 'see' is that the wireless isn't responding (even though they can still hear the AP just fine) and so they will end up retrying over and over. Eventually they will give up, and some phones might even blacklist your SSID because of too many failures to connect etc., but this is after probably like 10 seconds of a client being able to do nothing (which in wireless is an eternity).
Because of this hard wall your creating (which is a variable unique to each client), you'll want to be VERY careful with this tool. You'll be safe with -90, probably -85. Anything stronger you'll want to test clients with, walk around, make sure they are not getting clipped etc. You might be able to get to -80 but beyond that your rolling the dice in my opinion.
Here is some literature on the subject if you want to really learn more: