My 2 cents,
No wireless AP will ever perform at its advertised speeds, refer to this as more of a capability, rather than a reality.
Agree with other comments that your speed seems about right, and considering its not Wifi6.
In regards to the onslaught of kids, we generally try to budget each AP to have a max of around 6-8 clients, any more performance is lost. Within a hospital environment, with all our testing, we always got best results to leaving everything on Auto. We did play around with channel widths and NX settings, but as scenarios changed so did the settings.
I would consider reducing bandwidth for the clients during the onslaught, but regardless wireless clients will still have to fight for airtime communication (another reason wifi6 will be heaps better - more clients)
Also we found reducing our SSIDs to noore than 4 made a substantial performance difference including not broadcasting on DFS channels.
Using the floor plan view to see an overview of what each channel the APs are operating on is very helpful, it can show you any potential channel crossings from neighbouring APs and gives you the opportunity to adjust accordingly. In fact I read somewhere that positioning your APs on the floor plan view actually help the APs automatically assign channel numbers to ensure no cross over.
We also increased the minimum bit rate, this stopped older clients from connecting from old protocols, enabling more airtime and quality of service, also ensuring band steering is enabled.
Cheers and good luck