Hi All,
Having some more woes with NPS and wondering if any of you have had this situation. We have a heap of old devices that are authenticating using PEAP-MSCHAPv2 and we are in the process of migrating them across to EAP-TLS. We need to keep both methods online for some time as some of the clients will not support EAP-TLS.
The problem I'm finding is differentiating these methos in our NPS polices. We have an existing NPS policy for PEAP-MSCHAPV2 and I have created a new policy above it for EAP-TLS. This hums away nicely if on the EAP-TLS policy I have a condition for specific domain computer's using windows groups. (something we don't want to do)
If I remove the group restriction all clients use the EAP-TLS policy. I have tried putting the old PEAP policy above the eap-tls policy with conditions on authentication method and it simply overlooks these and moves to the next policy.
Any ideas what I could be missing?