Hey guys,
I know iOS is a pain, plenty of articles asking why they keep deauthenticating on the wireless. As you can see, out of the 5 device types and 26 client devices with issues, only 3 are non iOS:
I've done a little testing on one of my sites to see if I could find the most compatible iOS configuration for dashboard. At this point the guest wifi is in a simple NAT mode.
My plan, if the wireless health doesn't get any better, is to isolate a bridge mode SSID for guest wifi and enable 802.11r adaptive to see if it gets any better. Any thoughts on that? I don't see many incompatible devices on-site and, if it solves the iOS issues, it would be worth it.
I'd like to crowd source some answers. How have you handled iOS devices deauthenticating on the wireless and, if you're not experiencing any issues, what's your setup?