I believe the short answer is no.
Meraki does support Per-AP SSID Availability through the use of AP tags and settings on the SSID Availability screen. You probably already found that feature.
Even if Meraki supported the type of hybrid-SSID-broadcast that you describe, I don't think it would work in the way that you intend. I believe that wireless clients keep track of whether a stores profile references a broadcasting or non-broadcasting SSID. For broadcasting SSIDs, clients listen passively for the AP to advertise the SSID. For non-broadcasting SSIDs, the client actively attempts to connect. If your users associate to your SSID in an area where it's broadcasting, and later attempt to re-connect in a 'non-broadcasting' area, I don't think the device will connect. Roaming might be a different story, but then things could get really weird.