Lawful Intercept (Beta)

Getting noticed

Lawful Intercept (Beta)

Looking for information about Meraki and Lawful Intercept, I only found this rather old blog dating back to 2008:


Can anyone please provide me with an update?


Thanks in advance.


3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

Interesting.  I have never heard of that feature.  I hope it has been dropped and not implemented personally.  Law enforcement can do their own job and I can do mine.  Very chilling the idea that someone could ask/request/demand that I share data from my network like that.  Especially, since we know full well our data is collected and analyzed en mass on the regular already it seems going too far to get to the point where someone in "law enforcement" could ask/compel me to share data that way.


Besides my particular take I am interested in what your use case or interest is?

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)

Lawful Intercept is simply a legal requirement in some countries, not a new business case. 

Kind of a big deal

Fair enough.  Thanks.  Maybe I should be grateful I have not had to know about it yet.


I suppose if the equipment you manage does not have the feature you get an exception or maybe you have to do more work to provide the data?  Hopefully someone see this and knows more about Meraki's plans with this.

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
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