IPSK is an amazing solution for many scenario and verticals.
The IPSK solution of Meraki without RADIUS supports only up to 50 PSKs per SSID, which is not really scalable.
The solution with RADIUS, however, requires the RADIUS to know in advance the MAC address of clients allowed in the network.
There are several solution out there that require users to manually enter their client MAC address (especially for headless devices, while other devices can be onboarded via a captive portal). This seems to me very complicated and prone to error and leading to a lot of support requests - it may work in campuses with young students but not much in senior living scenario).
Is there a solution to make this work without having the RADIUS to know in advance the client MAC address?
The Ruckus DPSK solution, attaches to RADIUS access-request some additional attributes that basically allow the RADIUS server to compute the PSK and, if correct, automatically add the MAC address to the client list (details here).
Any idea about how this could be implemented, right now, on Meraki?