High Latency On Ipod's


High Latency On Ipod's

Good eveniing,


I'm having trouble with high latency and general poor performance on ipod touch devices, all other devices work absolutely fine, hend held scanner's, Zebra printers and laptops etc.


Our organisation consists of about 70 retail stores and I'm seeing this behavior accross all our stores.


We have a variety of AP's depending on the age of the store so MR18's, MR33's, MR42's and MR52's.


I have tried with band steering on and off, the same with client balancing and have tried many different TX power changes all to no avail.


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar issues and know any tricks of the trade that I don't?


Many Thanks,

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

When you say latency are you pinging the devices from the dashboard and getting high response times? 


What iOS version are the devices running and what age are they, does it happen with every single device and have you tried testing a device on a different brand of wifi access point. 


I would be trying to determine if it was a Meraki or device issue if I was in your shoes. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Shakermaker81 this old discussion on Apples forums might help you.





Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I think @BlakeRichardson is highly likely to be correct - and this will be due to Apple power saving (shutting down the WiFi NIC to short periods of time, saving power but causing high latency).  It is known as PSM mode (this is not an Apple thing, it is a WiFi thing - but it seems Apple has taken this mode to the extreme).


You weren't wrong, when the device is sat not in use no ping at all then as soon as you unlock it pings straight away.


Thanks for the heads up on this 🙂 no thank's to Apple though, very frustrating 😡


Cheers 👍


Thanks both for the replies 🙂


I've mainly done ping tests from the dashboard and from my laptop over the site to site vpn.

The ipod's are about a year old and on the latest ios version 15.3.1.


I'm visiting a store tomorrow to do some proper on site testing, it's a weird one,


Thanks again 🙂

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