EAP Timers Best Practice

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EAP Timers Best Practice

Hi Meraki Community,


I just want to ask about EAP timer settings and the best and most recommended Practice. Currently, we have below settings and Users are experiencing wireless issues as these timers are crossing values. Please suggest.







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I don't have the answer, as this is something I've been researching myself. But I've found this, which I've been leaning myself towards.


LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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In fact, there is no best practice, in some cases adjustments are necessary (very rarely), but in practice what is configured by default is always used.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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I might have to adjust these once in every 1000 installs.  Your deployment is not likely to need these changed.


Is the RTT for your RADIUS server under 2s?  If so - you don't need to touch anything.


"Currently, we have below settings and Users are experiencing wireless issues as these timers are crossing values"


What is the specific issue you are facing?

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Kind of a big deal

Meraki defaults are just fine but the thing that I dislike is that the default doesn't match the timers from the "Aironet/Catalyst" world. I like to have things setup the same everywhere...

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

The default EAP timers works fine generally speaking. It depends on your topology, where is your RADIUS connected, on premise or in the Cloud? If the answer is Cloud or across a VPN tunnel, it would be good to check the round trip time and increase the timeouts a lit bit. 
Nevertheless your wireless health connection is Excellent, the clients having the connection problems might be not RADIUS timers related. A single client attempting to connect located far from any AP might cause the dashboard health timers to increase.

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