COA destination IP

Getting noticed

COA destination IP


Assuming that I have one AP connected to Meraki cloud, with "MAC-based access control (no encryption)" security mode enabled.

I also have "RADIUS CoA support" option enabled.

What is the destination IP for CoA messages? Is it the same as Meraki console FQDN?




5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't know the answer - but surely it would be it would be the source of the original RADIUS request - the AP itself.

That means that I cannot use external RADIUS server (means hosted in internet) as AP sits behind the firewall.

Hmmm, ok, thanks.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Similar to @PhilipDAth, I also don't know the answer but I think you're right.
CoA would require the RADIUS server sending a request to the AP which isn't really possible without an inbound NAT or proxy.

I initially thought you could look at using the Meraki RADIUS proxy but it doesn't support CoA.

Getting noticed

Looks like I need a little more help.

So, I am trying to talk to AP using radclient utility



my command is  


echo '
Calling-Station-Id = "<MAC redacted>"
NAS-IP-Address =
Filter-Id = "PASS"
Event-Timestamp = "1692895863"
' | radclient -x coa <secret redacted>



But there is nothing coming back. - is IP of my AP and this is what i see in Access-Request message when connecting to SSID


Any ideas?



Getting noticed

oh, NM, I found the problem. I had to add my PC IP into the list of radius servers

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