I'm breaking this out as it has appeared as a comment in a number of other posts.
I don't seem to be able to get any SSIDs to broadcast on the 6GHz band on 30.6, 30.7, 31.1.3 and 31.1.4
I have a CW9166I and two CW9163Es, I'm not expecting to see it on the Es as that isn't legal in the UK, but the I thinks that it is broadcasting, but Samsung, Apple and Google devices that all support 6e don't see anything.
I have created a dedicated SSID with WPA3-SAE to test with and it is invisible...
I've logged a ticket, but wondered if anyone else had got the above config working?
I have plenty of 6GHz on my 9166, running 31.1.3.
It running WPA3 entreprise transition.
Sorry, WPA3 only. Not transition mode.
My SSIDs in 6ghz are visible. Reg domain IC
What have you set as the Flex Radio Selection on the RF profile? I think I had to change it from 5 to 6 GHz.
All set to 6GHz, but I'm using passphrase that might be the issue. 802.1x seems to consistently be reported as okay, but I haven't tried it yet.
The Emoji SSID, is in WPA3 Transition, but doesn't show up when in 6 Ghz only. If I enable it on 5 GHz aswell is shows up.
Disabinling 5 GHz again, but changing it to WPA3 only, makes it show up on 6GHz only.
Works as expected:
But I also always have a 5 GHz SSID. IMO, it's too early to rely on PSCs only.
All Security types work as expected:
And I am on v30.7
Glad to know it should work with the settings I've got, hopefully support will find something!
One other odd thing is the 9166 sees it's own 6GHz broadcast as a neighbour:
As you can see 'Hallway AP' sees 'Hallway AP' as a neighbour. This only happens on the 6GHz band. Another point of note is that all APs on all channels show channel 0...
Please follow-up in this thread regarding your solution with Support. We hope you're up and running again asap on the 6GHz deployment @cmr !
Thanks @JustinV , at the moment the case is still sitting waiting for them to contact me, the case ID is 12164397 if you want/can take a look. 😊
@cmr Those Channel 0 specs look like they're coming from the AP Neighbors page.
Just a quick heads-up that the Cisco Meraki AP Neighbors feature is currently in Early Access an is still being fine-tuned, so you might encounter a few bugs here and there.
I've seen the same bug and have added Feedback as well. Thanks for reporting it cmr!
In the meantime, correlate between there and the Wireless > RF Spectrum page and/or the AP's page and Radio Settings displayed.
Between these, you've got that 6GHz channel and width information.
So far I have only had the problem when creating a PSK/SAE transition mode SSID, 6Ghz does not show on those.
Dot1x transition mode SSIDs and "pure" WPA3 SSIDs it works as expected.
When I get back this weekend I can retry , re-verify because I also need to put up another CW91xx in my lab 🙂