What are some reasons a few APs would select 20mhz channel widths? One example:
a MR74’s sector antenna that is being used to pull a signal off a MR84 w 2 sets of omnis about 150ft away. Clear line of sight, highly rural so not even cell phone RF in the air. Single occupancy property. The MR84 is 5ghz 80mhz and the 74 is at 5ghz 20mhz.
Followup - why is it that one device, in this case, the MR84, can be broadcasting 80mhz and the 74 only 20? My tech brain says those two should be the same but clearly I’m wrong. The link between them is a consistent 100mbps.
Networking geek since high school where I got half of a CCNA. Played Marathon II and Infinity over localtalk.
Made many a network over the years, now de facto admin of a retreat center with some of this fine Meraki hardware.
Fortune 100 Tech veteran/refugee.