Wired 802.1x - Put Guest Vlan Assignment

Getting noticed

Wired 802.1x - Put Guest Vlan Assignment

Hi All, 


  I just need an explanation on why ports are getting put in guest vlan. This has been happening more in the previous MS version, and Meraki support recommended an upgrade. My switches are on 16.2.2. 


Is this one of those silent client issues ? even with that the policy is inbound only !!! 


Access Policy is MAB below 


logs of the port, there is no EAP traffic before the event, it just puts it in the guest or any Radauis exchange for the port. 


ISE live logs showing a successful MAB authentication. 


Aug 22 14:23:19SWXXXXXPort 26 802.1X802.1X guest VLAN assignmentport: 26, vlan: 66
Aug 22 13:35:00SWXXXXSWXXXXPort 15ee5f6c0b-10fb-4ebc-a669-2bf701a6f00f802.1X802.1X Canned EAP successport: 15, mac: E4:54:E8:76:B5:9C




2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Since you're running MAB you won't have any EAP traffic.
What does the ISE authorization say of a certain event?
Is it returning an access-accept with a potential different access vlan?

Getting noticed

Sorry, yes no EAP its MAB 

ISE is sending raduis accept. but Meraki still putting the port in guest vlan. 

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