VLAN Profiles Now Available for Early Access!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

VLAN Profiles Now Available for Early Access!

We are super excited to announce that VLAN Profiles is now available via the early access page. VLAN Profiles is a feature spanning MR and MS as a means to provide both dynamic, RADIUS-based assignment of VLANs to devices/users/endpoints based on an alphanumeric name, but also as a means to abstract VLAN IDs from certain elements in Dashboard using relatable terminology instead of numbers.  


Please refer to the VLAN Profiles documentation for requirements, guidelines, and limitations. 


Ready to sign up? 


MS users, please go to the dashboard, navigate to Organization>Early Access, and toggle “VLAN Profiles” to sign up today! 

For MR users who would like to use this feature, please join the MR 30 Early Adopters Signup here.

9 Replies 9
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If the VLANs are defined on the MX and the MS is acting as a layer2 switch , this won't work right ?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @RaphaelL, this feature will still work fine as it is independent of MX VLAN configs. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @Minyi  ,


If the MS is acting as a layer 2 , it doesn't have any VLANs configured. 




Mine was only displaying vlan '1' and not the other vlans that resides on the MX.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

VLAN profiles allows you to assign a name to a VLAN ID. If the MS is not an L3 switch, it can still map clients to a VLAN ID. That VLAN ID needs to be handled upstream by a gateway, but the L2 switch will still have a concept of VLANs. If you don't have any VLANs configured, you have 1 VLAN, and this feature wouldn't make a ton of sense for that scenario. 

CCIEw# 45253 / CWNE# 249 / Principal TME - Meraki Product
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

My wording was incorrect. My topology has more than 1 vlan.


This is the key part that I missed : To add or remove a VLAN name or group, you do so under the default profile, which will then propagate the added/removed profile to the non-default profiles.


I had only the 'default' : 




I had to add it to the default profile in order to propagate it to the newly created profile.


Documentation is perfect , I just misread that part 🙂 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Ah perfect 😬 if you find any issues with the documentation / readability please give feedback here. I wrote it with a peer of mine and we are open to feedback and fixing anything confusing 

CCIEw# 45253 / CWNE# 249 / Principal TME - Meraki Product
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The only thing that I could spot righ off the bat is that it seems to have a weird re-ordering on the name : 


I have created vlans A,B,C,D,E and vlanIDs 1020,1022,1026,1027,1028. Somehow when I press save , it reorders them in a strange way. 


before : 



after : 




What is the best way to report these issues ? 

Do I have to use the 'give your feedback' button ?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

That is odd.... let me bring that up to our dashboard team! Thank you! 

CCIEw# 45253 / CWNE# 249 / Principal TME - Meraki Product
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

At last!  This will make it so much easier.

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