Switchport - Last Used - Data via API?

Getting noticed

Switchport - Last Used - Data via API?

We have 247 Meraki network switches across out estate. I was wondering if there was a way to extract information about - Last Used -  for each network port per switch. With each site being remote, we have network technicians looking after the patching, and many leave old patch connections in, which populate the switching. It would be handy to extract the information, and remove un-used patch leads from Cabs.

Even if were able to brake it down, so that i could use the same API Scripting per site.

I have some information but not enough for it to be a fluid transaction for creation of a spreadsheet with JSON/CSV info.

Thanks in advance

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,


You could try these 2 endpoints : https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/get-organization-switch-ports-connectivity-history-by-devi...




I haven't tried them , so not sure if they do exactly what you are requesting.

Getting noticed

I've already run these through Postman, and i'm just not getting the information I would like.
Whilst using Cisco switching we were able to reset counters and that was used for good measure. We were able to work out when the ports were used last, or at all. Then remove older connections to clear cabs of unwanted patching etc.

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