I have 4 SFP Cisco MA-SFP-1GB-TX, I am connecting to an MX250 but the Internet port of the MX does not turn on as a result the device does not connect to the cloud.
I have tested these SFPs in the two internet ports in two different MXs but in each of the ports it is the same does not turn on.
I ran into something similar with 1gig SFP's on the WAN port of an MX250 or 450, forget which. After a firmware upgrade the SFP worked fine. What version is yours?
I will warn you - I had this happen with a Proline SFP. Seemed to work for awhile after a firmware upgrade, then died again without warning a couple of months later. I've replaced all the suspect SFPs in our MX250s, no issues since.
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