Meraki 802.1x machine certificate

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Meraki 802.1x machine certificate

Hello Community


I'm trying to figure out if we can use 802.1x on meraki switches that can use machine certificates to authenticate via radius.


According to this official document, switches can only authenticate using domain credentials, MAB or hybrid;


I am aware this is possible with the meraki APs;


Any help would be appreciated, especially confirmation if anyone currently uses this in their setup 



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

In short, yes.


The switch itself has no idea what credentials are being presented to it.  So if you configure Active Directory group policy to present machine credentials (don't even have to use certificates, but you can), it will.  And if you configure the RADIUS server to allow that group, it will.


The switch itself just passes on whatever credentials it is given and responds to the RADIUS server message saying weather to allow or deny access.

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