Got a ticket open with support on this but not a lot of help so far, that and 12 hours between replies kind of sucks.
We have well over 100 POE devices, last week we added 14 more "Unifi G4 Pro" cameras (already have 35 that have been working for 2 years). 6 of the 14 cameras will not power on. Switch lights do not turn on. In meraki dashboard the ports will show "PoE port was denied power" and be orange for a short time and then just goes black 'disconnected'.
I restarted the switch and some of the new cameras came online while other older G4 cameras went offline with above issue. Restarted the switch again and they all moved around again. Seems to be random. Tried another switch and have the same issue. We have close to 50 "unifi g4 pro" cameras spread across 14 switches and after testing, it seems this is affecting all switches. Again, the other 60+ POE devices are not having an issue at all (multiple brands including other unifi devices.
We tested the g4 cameras on multiple other smart and dumb POE switches without issue. This seems to be a combination of the meraki ms355 switch and unifi g4 pro camera.
Unifi support sucks, as expected. "For now to get the cameras working I'd suggest you to use the UniFi Switches."
We have not had any issues with these cameras for the last 2 years. The only thing I can see that would cause this was that we upgraded to "MS 16.8" about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, rollback is not available since it was over 2 weeks ago. Not sure I would want to roll back anyway.
Anyone else having this issue? If you have "G4 pro" camera unplug and replug a couple of them and see if they come back online?