I updated one-by-one each of these ms355's yesterday to ensure they had the proper firmware. today, powered them up one at a time moving the lan cable to each one once i ensured the firmware was still current.
I powered them all down. I stacked them using MA-CBL-100G-50CM cables in the ring as per Meraki best practices.
The one connected to the LAN ethernet cable came back. its partners did not. All but switch-1 has an amber light and is viewed as "unreachable" in the dashboard. The DHCP that delivers them IPs' is coming off a brand new MX105 that is connected to the lab lan cable. The MX105 gets its ethernet WAN configuration fine. It sees our preferred DNS (cisco umbrella), and it is dishing out DHCP on the Native VLAN. The switch that is connected by ethernet to a LAN port on the MX105 is able to see the dashboard. none of the other stack members can.