MAC address Based VLAN

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MAC address Based VLAN


I am having an issue where i am managing a network using Meraki switches, and having a Vlan for the IP Cameras, and a separate Vlan for IP Telephony, etc...


the point is that from time to time, i find some cameras connected to the staff Vlan without a prior notification from the Camera guys.

and they worked around the Vlan assignment by configuring the NVR with an interface to the default staff Vlan but with an IP address of the CAM Vlan.


i am thinking if i can configure the Meraki switches with auto Vlan assignment for the ports based on the MAC Addresses.


is this doable?





2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal



Yes, this is doable via dynamic VLAN assignment with 802.1x and MAB. You'll need to set up a RADIUS server that can authenticate all your ports and tell the switch which VLAN to assign. I suspect this is not really what you're after though as it's a ton of work.


You might be better off trying to get ahead of them and have a port preconfigured waiting for new cameras. Or maybe disable your ports so they have to make a request to get one set up. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You could disable all unused ports so they can't use them, and then enable and configure them as requested.

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