Layer 3 Port Channel (LACP) on Meraki MS250 Switch stack

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Layer 3 Port Channel (LACP) on Meraki MS250 Switch stack



I am looking to do the Layer 3 port channel between the Meraki MS250 Stack. Do anyone has done it before as I can't seems to find any option to do the L3 Ethernet/port Channel on Meraki Switches.


A End (MS250 Stack in L3 mode)  <-->  B End (MS250 Stack in L3 mode). I need to assign the IP on both sides so that I can route the traffic over the Ethernet/Port channel.


Thanks in advance.


1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You can only do a L2 port-channel.  You'll have to create a L3 VLAN, and either trunk it or make it an access port.

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