How to schedule downtime - best practices

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How to schedule downtime - best practices

We have several customers using MX, MS & MR products. Is there a way to schedule an outage in the Dashboard so that alerts for planned maintenance can be suppressed? 


Bruce Berger

Ostari, Inc.

5 Replies 5
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Network-Wide -> Configure -> General, then scroll down to Firmware Upgrades. You will see a place to set a specific time and day as your update time.


You can also use Organization -> Monitor -> Firmware Upgrades to schedule on-demand upgrades across an entire org.

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I should have been clearer in my request. Other monitoring tools allow us to schedule downtime (and suppress alerting) in advance of a planned outage.The building where the equipment resides will be disconnected from the power grid for maintenance for several days. We would like to proactively suppress any alerts sent by the Meraki Cloud monitoring. Is there an easy way to do this? 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

There is no specific way to do this.  You would have to "untick" the alerts during the timeframe (which is pretty easy).


You could also consider using an email distirbution group for the alerts and have the Meraki dashoard send emails to that.  Then just remove everyone from the distribution group during the maintenance.

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Kind of a big deal

No sorry, your only option is to disable alerts in general. This does sound like a good idea though so it might pay to use the make a wish feature. 

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Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If everything goes off at once you should get only one alert per network per device type.  We actually use these alerts when the power comes back to cross check that all downs have an up!  Easier on a phone than going to the dashboard or trying to use the Android app

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