C9300-M Power Cables

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C9300-M Power Cables

Hi team,

Do the Meraki C9300L-M switches ship with power cables included in the US?  I really really wish the documentation would be clear and just say it does or doesn't. In the past, with classic MS switches they would include power cables *unless* you specified them in the BOM. But I haven't found a written policy on this.


As it is, there is no guidance in the data sheet or installation guide. If all power cables need to be ordered as accessories, the datasheet should state that and give the part #s.




8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

In the UK all Meraki switches including C9300s do not ship with a power cable.

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I order 9300's this year and they did not come with a power cable

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If the switches don't ship with power cables, then I believe the data sheet should state that and list the part numbers of the compatible power cables.

Kind of a big deal

Have you checked this?



I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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That's Catalyst, not Meraki.  My expectation is that the Meraki datasheet will list the compatible part numbers. The Meraki data sheet refers to this chart (and I know they'll work), but it's under a footnote about Japan 250V power cables which makes no sense.

Kind of a big deal

It's the same hardware. 😉

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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If you read any Cisco data sheet (like the one for the Catalyst 9300-L) the compatible power cords are listed. Meraki should do the same.

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@Ryan_Miles  can you take a look please and advise the doc team as you have done in other threads?  My ask is that the datasheet state that power cables need to be ordered separately and that the compatible power cables are listed.


Also, the data sheets for the C9300-M, C9300L-M and 9300X-M refer to MS switches under "Package Contents"


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