Adding switches to the portal

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Adding switches to the portal



We recently acquired some Meraki switches in a bulk sale from an organization that is no longer trading & no longer exists.

There is no longer anyone working for the organization we got these switches from.


Can my organization use these?

What do I need to do to add these to our portal and start using them?



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If the switches have been unclaimed and relased from the organisation Meraki Dashboard, then yes you can use them,


But if they are still registered on the organizations Meraki Dashbaord, and there is no one to unclaim them from their dashboard, I'm afraid they are unsuable.

You'll need to get in touch with someone from the old organisation with access to their Meraki Dashboard, and have them unclaim and release the switches from their inventory.

LinkedIn :::

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