Making the camera rotate the correct way

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Making the camera rotate the correct way

We have two of the MV21's on a MA-MNT-MV-3 mount that is mounted just below the ceiling on the wall. I am able to rotate the camera downward anyway I would like and right If I was looking at the door which faces the stairwell. For the life of me I can not get these to spin and face the door. I feel like I am missing something simple in moving them, I have read through the instructions and followed the steps. Are these just not movable in this fashion when on the mount? 

1 Accepted Solution
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When I first rotate it, I use both hands on each of the tilt point screw frames. You might try to rotate it the opposite direction of what you've attempted. We just finished a 20+ camera migration and didn't need to loosen any screws besides the tilt screws.

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5 Replies 5
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We've encountered some frustration with this. It seems it takes a lot of force to get the camera to rotate for the first time.


Grab by the tilt screw points and apply force to rotate. Maybe others will share if there's a better way.

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Yea I just tried that and it wouldn't budge. 

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I see screws down below do those need to be loosed or something, I have tried numerous ways this thing will not budge

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When I first rotate it, I use both hands on each of the tilt point screw frames. You might try to rotate it the opposite direction of what you've attempted. We just finished a 20+ camera migration and didn't need to loosen any screws besides the tilt screws.

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Got it to move finally that did the trick, wow they need to fix that or just give us pan, tilt, zoom. 

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