Z1 VPN Configurations

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Z1 VPN Configurations

Hi Team,


 I'm trying to build a VPN IPSEC Tunnel between Z1 & Cisco CSV100 Router..


i have added the configurations on Cisco CSV1000 router  but i don't know how to configure it from Z1 side..


could you please help me with a sample configuration on Z1 ..


Below are the configuration from the router side:


crypto keyring internet-keyring211 vrf internet-vrf
pre-shared-key address key cisco123
crypto isakmp policy 211
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2

crypto isakmp profile cust1-ike-prof211
vrf Islam
keyring internet-keyring211
match identity address internet-vrf
isakmp authorization list default
crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des-sha esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
mode tunnel
crypto map mymap211 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set esp-3des-sha
set isakmp-profile cust1-ike-prof
match address 188

access-list 188 permit ip host host



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

First put a tag on your ZI.  Go to:

Secureity Appliance/Appliance Status

Click on the pencil next to "tags" and give the Z1 a tag.,


Go to:

Security Appliance/Site to Site VPN

Scroll down to:

Organization-wide settings

Click on:

Add a peer


Give it a name.  Put in the public IP address of the CSR1000V.  For the private subnet put in  Note that you will need to change the destination encryption domain of your CSR1000V to include the entire subnet behind the Z1.    Under availability choose the tag of your Z1 that you created above.  Fill in your pre-shared key.  Leave the "IPSec Policies" on the default setting.

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