VPN tunnel connectivity change alert

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VPN tunnel connectivity change alert



I am getting a lot of alarms with this message (VPN tunnel connectivity change/vpn registry connectivity change) and the alarm last for less than a minute, not sure what is the reason for that, but can I suppress the alarm for a period of time like 5 minutes as it may be a transient issue, or could be an issue with vpn registry that cause this alarm?


also If I disabled it and kept appliance goes down for  5 minutes that would be enough to know that there is a connectivity issue?

3 Replies 3
Getting noticed

Hi Alan1,

Did you get any solution for above, as i have started experiencing the alerts but for me there is no impact. I have 5 Networks having S2S VPN tunnel.

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Alarms keep firing without knowing what does it mean and TAC said there is no impact

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We've had this problem recently too.  I opened a case with Meraki support.  At first they said it was the code rev on my MX and were going to back rev it.  A second case of this popped up and I noticed several of the sites in our Org were having the same issue.  I called and spoke with a Meraki engineer.  They looked and found the backend Meraki VPN Registry server(s) were overloaded.  He had to manually push our Org to use different server(s).  That cleared up the issue.  He said there would have to be another re-balance done by Meraki support 6 hours after the actions he took.  So, short answer, call Meraki support if you see this in the log files. 

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