Uplink Interfaces

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Uplink Interfaces


I am trying to determine if the Uplink interfaces WAN 1 / WAN 2  that can generate "Uplink Status Changed" alerts are  listed in the ifTable for say a MX168 ?
Because the Notifications trap or webhook are only sent on a transition to an up state and NOT on a Down state transition , if they are one/two of these interfaces I can be actively managing them  ( Polling for changes and Catch the Link Down ) vs. getting Nothing if they are using Both interfaces when one goes down. 


If they are Not in the ifTable - where are they listed / defined ? 


4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Do you have these selected on Network-wide > Configure > Alerts?



LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Getting noticed

We have enabled and Get Alerts for the WAN Port changes ( to down ) - thank you.
We are trying to determine If the WAN ports are listed in the Mib -2 ifTable ?
 ( for devices that support SNMP ) 


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

And you are using the Meraki MIB file, which can be downloaded from the SNMP area on Organization Settings page?

LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Getting noticed


With or without the MIB the Walk will return all the accessible values and nothing returned gives us any indication of ports existing other than what  you see in the image above of the ifTable for that device. 

Does any one know for a fact that the Uplink ports one / two / tree/ four ( How ever many a device might have )  are the ports listed in the standard ifTable ? 
Is there anything in the MIB that ties the WAN uplink ports to the ports in the  ifTable? 
I know that executing a query using the API will return the status / information about the uplink ports ? 
I am trying to connect the dots between the what the API returns and what we see using SNMP.


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