Unreachable appliance

Getting noticed

Unreachable appliance

I just made a firmware upgrade from 14.39 to 14.40 and i am trying to have access to my appliance from home. After this i made a reboot appliance from my home...



The last 20 minutes i can enter to meraki cloud dashboard and a message Unreachable for ...minutes appeared every time

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal

That's not good. Call Support.

Getting noticed

I''ll wait for about an hour to see and i will call them. Otherwise i must go to my work tomorrow from early morning to connect the modem directly to the switch.

Getting noticed

I can connect to my computer over remote desktop (anydesk) , the local network works fine. But the dashboard seems that has a connection problem to the cloud



I called before some minutes the meraki support. They cannot reach my equiment, so i will go tomorrow morning to my work to make a power off/power on physically


Edit again

The problem solved right now...Maybe itself..I have access again to cloud dashboard

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