Static Route Tracking
Static routes can be configured with three different availability settings:
- Always active
- Active while the next hop responds to ping
- Active while host responds to ping
If the static route is always active, the configured static route will always be maintained in the routing table.
When a route is configured as "Active while the next hop responds to ping", or "Active while a host responds to ping", the MX tracks the route. If the MX stops receiving ping responses for a period of time, the route will be removed from the routing table. The route is re-added when responses are received again.
Note: If a route is configured as "Active while host responds to ping", the configured host IP must lie within the subnet configured for the static route
Note: If a static route is configured with the "Active while host responds to ping" option, both the next-hop and the specified host need to be able to respond to pings. If either IP address stops responding to pings, the route will be marked as down and will be removed from the MX's route table.
The route tracking mechanism only has local significance, which means, that the status of the route doesn't influence whether the route is advertised or not and it won't affect the routing on the remote end of the VPN.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.
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