Skewed data on Summary Report


Skewed data on Summary Report

Morning from Ohio!


Just wondering if anybody else noticed a skewed data usage report from a weekly Summary Report from your MX box last week? My network usage showed a 3,500% increase than previous history. Yet, when I look at client usage filtered by, 'the last week,' I don't see anything out of the ordinary.


Anyone else?

5 Replies 5
Head in the Cloud

I am not. Is this happening across your organization or on each MX network? Does it differ per network?

Across the organization. Our MX is our edge device. No, other networks are showing consistent data usage. It's strange...

Kind of a big deal

I've seen something similar for specific clients (random) where I'll see like an iPhone as #1 top talker for last 30 days. I click on the client and show last 30 days, because I want to see what he was doing, and its minimal usage. So the numbers don't line up at all.

That is rare though, but I suspect dashboard bug
Nolan Herring |

I'm thinking, and hoping it's a glitch. I put in a ticket with Meraki, but haven't heard back yet. Wanted to see if anyone else has notice something like this.


The data usage is so far out of baseline that I think I would have noticed or heard something from our users. It's almost DoS like...

I got this reply from Meraki Support:


There is no clear answer into why the Summary Report shows that massive spike but I believe it does have to do with that ISP outage.

I did find out there is a reporting difference between the client usage page and the summary report:

 - Summary Report deals in only full day intervals (midnight to midnight)
 - Client List displays from the time the page is loaded to whatever time selector is set to
 So yes they will be off. I have to do more research if need be and ask our UI/development team which may take a minute.

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