Hi all,
Sorry for what is surely a lame/newbie post, but I got Meraki SD-Wan via AT&T and after 2 months I just got things installed but cannot seem to get them to help me finish the setup. I'm desperate here as I have to go live with this on Monday and I am close but can't get the last bit of the way there. I have an mx95 at HQ with existing LAN IP At our other office they installed a MX68. I managed to get the two connected via Hub and Spoke with HQ being hub, and second location the spoke. I can also connect to HQ via AnyConnect. I think the issue might be that our HQ has an existing ip and I can't just change everything to DHCP (Planning on passing DHCP requests to the domain controller which handles DHCP now) and I'm not configuring something right.
I have set the HQ MX95 with these settings:
Note: all ipv6 is disabled/not configured
Addressing and VLANs
Mode: Routed
Client tracking: MAC address
Lan Setting: Single LAN
LAN Config
Single LAN Settings | Version 4 | VLAN Interface IP | Uplink Any | VPN Mode Disabled
No static routes
DHCP Server: Run DHCP Server (running for now just to test, again plan to offload DHCP to windows server once things are working)
Firewall: default/empty No port forwarding, no 1:1 NAT, no 1:many NAT, no Bonjour, IP source address spoofing protection: Block
Site-to-site VPN
Main subnet VPN mode disabled subnet Uplink any
AnyConnect VPN. VPN mode enabled subnet Uplink <blank>
NAT traversal: automatic
No custom site-to-site outbound firewall rules
Routing: BGP not available, OSPF disabled
Client VPN
IPsec disabled
AnyConnect Settings enabled
Authentication is Meraki Cloud for now just to make things easier. As mentioned, I can connect to the VPN fine it seems. When connected I can ping the Merkai local IP fine, but can't ping any of the other couple of devices plugged into the MX95 for testing (note: when plugged directly into the MX95 itself with laptop, I can access those devices fine).
AnyConnect VPN subnet
Client Routing: Send all client traffic through VPN
Dynamic Client Routing: Disable Dynamic Split tunneling
Session timeout: None
Default Group Policy: No Group Policy
SD-WAN & Traffic Shaping
Primary Uplink WAN1
Load Balancing: disabled
Active-Active AutoVPN: Enabled
Flow preferences: any any any any WAN1 (I need this for various reasons)
SD-Wan policies: Prefer WAN1. Fail over if uplink down
Traffic shaping rules: none
I think those are all of the relevant settings. It feels like it might be that the VPN client is getting a 192.168.12.x address and the devices behind the MX95 are 192.168.11.x but maybe Meraki does some magic to handle the translation? I set the main subnet to since it would cover the 192.168.11.x addresses and give me some more address space since we're running low on the subnet, but I may be doing that wrong as well?
I did run a packet capture while the VPN was connected and I tried accessing the webpage of one of the devices connected to the MX95 (it is a NAS device with web config page). I can see the attempts to contact the NAS with a SYN and then a ton of retransmissions and never any ACK or other replies so something is blocking the connection obviously.
Any ideas on where I can look or what I can try would be much appreciated. I tried searching for "Meraki SD-Wan existing lan IP" but that and other attempts mostly just surfaced issues with WAN IPs.
Here is roughly what the setup looks like:

HQ has a bunch of devices running on the 192.168.11.x subnet and I'm testing the MX95 using that IP so once I get things working I can just switch over from our current firewall.
I suppose a simpler way of asking the question is: if I have an existing network, how would I set up the hub and spoke and AnyConnect IPs so that the AnyConnect and Spoke machines can reach the devices on the 192.168.11.x subnet? I have 2 test devices plugged into the MX95, a NAS and HTTP server. I can reach both if I'm plugged directly into the MX95. I can ping them from the Meraki dashboard. However, I can not access them when I'm connected via AnyConnect. Not via web, ping, ssh, or anything else.