SSH Access Via Meraki MX to Aruba switch

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SSH Access Via Meraki MX to Aruba switch



    I have question and recommendation on how to configure and access the ssh of Aruba switch which is connected to MX95 via outside network. My configuration that I was done is in port forwarding in firewall rule in Meraki MX. But unfortunately I can't access the ssh outside. Topology 


   Internet ---> Meraki MX95 -----> Aruba Switch

  Do I need to use another public IP for NAT 1:1 or port forwarding is enough? what was the Public port do i use for ssh?


4 Replies 4
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

If I can propose a different solution that might be more secure for your needs;

Does your MX95 have Client VPN or AnyConnect enabled? It might be better to VPN to this MX instead, and as long as your firewall rules and VPN routing configuration allows for it, you can then SSH directly to the switch instead of needing a port forwarding rule.

Whilst I am a Meraki employee, some of what I post may be opinion (especially architecture!). Others may have better or more efficient ways of doing things, so please learn from everyone!
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Hi @AidanKamp ,


      I already propose that, but the problem with that is you have to configure each device to connect on Client VPN to access the network but on the port forwarding you only need to connect to internet to access the ssh.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Port forwarding should work fine then in that case. The public port can be anything you choose (as long as you change your SSH command to use that port), and the local port will need to match the port used by the Aruba switch (likely TCP22):




If this is still not working, you can perform a packet capture on the internet interface to make sure the MX is seeing the incoming TCP traffic from your host. If that is seen, a packet capture on the LAN interface will help you check if the MX is forwarding that traffic internally.

If you're still having trouble, give support a call and we'll be happy to help!


Whilst I am a Meraki employee, some of what I post may be opinion (especially architecture!). Others may have better or more efficient ways of doing things, so please learn from everyone!
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you go to the Uplink tab on the MX - does it show that the WAN interface has a public IP address?




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