Meraki MX64/67 Compatible USB LTE dongle (model)

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Meraki MX64/67 Compatible USB LTE dongle (model)

Hi i am looking for USB LTE stick to use with MX 64/67. 

The one i got from Bell Canada Alcatel is not working. 

Do anyone know which one should I use in Canada (model and provider)

Thank you

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

Comes here often

I called BELL and Rogers they cannot tell me which product is with same USB ID. 

Kind of a big deal

@Harpreet : Not sure, can you check with bell and Rogers on this 

Feeney Skyus-DS 4G XLTE (MC7354)
Comes here often

Both do not carry this device.

Does anyone in Canada use USB LTE on Meraki, If do can you tell me what are you using?

Kind of a big deal

@Harpreet : i would recommend to open a support ticket as Meraki documents says these are the USB support models.
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