Hello All,
I have a Meraxi MX100 configured with Windows 10 native VPN clients working currently. If a user connects to the vpn during login I don't have any issues; however, if I have a network issue with the client say they go in an elevator and their network drops or their network at home or the coffee shop drops the VPN will disconnect. During re-connection I am seeing the following events in the Meraki log:
Sep 23 15:25:35 | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | | Non-Meraki / Client VPN negotiation | msg: ISAKMP-SA deleted xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500]-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500] spi:d518d7fe836cb242:3d099c31f983f494 |
Sep 23 15:25:35 | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | | Non-Meraki / Client VPN negotiation | msg: ISAKMP-SA expired xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500]-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500] spi:d518d7fe836cb242:3d099c31f983f494 |
I am also getting an error on the windows side saying that either my credentials are wrong or the protocol is not permitted. If the user logs off the machine and logs back in the VPN will work again; however, it would be far better if we could just reconnect to the VPN. So the first question I have is regarding the log entry above. Is this log saying that the session has expired and then the session was deleted? Secondly, if this is the case can I set the session timeout to a longer duration?