[Meraki API] Show VPN history stat for networks in an organization

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[Meraki API] Show VPN history stat for networks in an organization

Hi Community,


I'd like to find out whether it is possible to get VPN stat for non Meraki peers with /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/stats  API endpoint or with any other?


From API doc it seems that he structure of the return object is following ...

        "networkId": "N_12345678",
        "networkName": "San Francisco Office",
        "merakiVpnPeers": [ <meraki peers stat> ]

 ... and nothing about 3rd part peers. Maybe it is not complete or Stat for non-Meraki peers is not available?


Please advice.



2 Replies 2
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The VPN status page should give you required stat details.


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Thanks @Madhan_kumar_G, but I'm looking for info about specific API endpoint or other API-side options. 

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