Then I am unsure if I understood your ISP setup right.
Placing a dumb L2 swich between both MXes and the ISPs routers should not create loops. At least not on MX side, as the broadcast domains of the MX WAN ports are separated.
But placing a single switch between your network and the ISP is creating a single point of failure.
In my opinion, you could use two spanning tree capable L2 switches, to make this setup redundant.
The cabling could look like this:
Juniper 1 -> WAN-Switch 1
Juniper 2 -> WAN-Switch 1
Juniper 1 -> WAN-Switch 2
Juniper 2 -> WAN-Switch 2
WAN-Switch 1 -> MX 1
WAN-Switch 2 -> MX 2
WAN-Switch 1 -> WAN-Switch 2