MX warning version alert

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MX warning version alert

Dear Meraki Expertise,


Currently, I have Meraki that running on version MX18.107.5 and it is unstable version now. I am not sure about the alert on firmware status mean, Warning - January 23, 2024. Could anyone tell me this warning alert? I just wanted to know if that day comes, Meraki will delete version MX18.107.5 in every MX products?



1 Accepted Solution
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hello @Iamyour_Joy33, as @Brash said, this is not something that needs to be concerned about. In the event that an automatic upgrade does happen, you can manually roll back to the previous firmware version if the upgrade happened within the past two weeks. Should you have any questions about our firmware upgrades, you can find more information here:

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4 Replies 4
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Annotation 2023-11-14 141221.png

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

This warning is pretty typical in Meraki world if you're not running the latest patch release on a given firmware train.

It's not a big deal to worry about. 

Meraki will never 'delete' your firmware off your device, however they might automatically schedule an upgrade in your dashboard. You will get emails advising you of this and you can cancel it from the dashboard if you don't want to upgrade yet.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hello @Iamyour_Joy33, as @Brash said, this is not something that needs to be concerned about. In the event that an automatic upgrade does happen, you can manually roll back to the previous firmware version if the upgrade happened within the past two weeks. Should you have any questions about our firmware upgrades, you can find more information here:

Getting noticed

Hello @rdominguez and @Brash , thank you for your clarification about my concerns.

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