I have a small site with an MX64, MS225, and an MR42. The MX is the DHCP server. All good till we had a power outage, after which all my devices set up with a static IP went offline (ESXi host and all its Windows server VMs).
Once I switched them to DHCP, they all came online. If I switch any of them (or any Win10 workstation) to a static IP, it immediately goes offline and comes back online when switched back to DHCP.
Any advice on how to get static IPs to work again?
Thank you.
I put a spare MX64 in, and now static IPs seem to work.
Yes, I added it as a spare to the network and connected it in place of the regular MX64. I just tried a couple of computers (a server VM and a physical workstation) with static IPs, and it's working.
You haven't enabled Dynamic Arp Inspection on your Meraki switch by chance - which by design blocks statically configured devices?
Otherwise look at the settings the machine gets using DHCP (subnet mask, default gateway and DNS servers) and make sure you are using the same values when statically configuring. Also make sure the static IP address is not already in use. Perhaps some other device grabbed it via DHCP after the power outage.
Ah, it was enabled. I disabled it. Thank you. Didn't know that.