MX and OT Protocols

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MX and OT Protocols

Hi Team, I hope you are well.


Please your comments in the following question:  Is there any reference about the applications and protocols supported by MX ?   I would like to know if the MX is able to detect and filter industrial protocols (OT).  Any links with protocol list or application list ? 


Thx in advance



2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The MX (like any firewall) can pass all network traffic.


The MX uses NBAR for traffic/application classification. You can see a list of NBAR protocols at the link below.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If it is based on IP it will be able to pass it.  It probably won't be able to filter it unless it uses a specific TCP/UDP port.

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