I have a client who have Mac Os devices who access Windows file shares while at work. They use SMB://ipaddress to access the shares.
There are two servers which have the shares. One is an old Server 2003 (not domain managed) using SMB1.0 (I know the security risk!), and the other is a Server 2016 Domain Controller using the newer file sharing protocol. Mac and PCs in the offices can get at shared folders on both servers.
When the clients took their laptops home and connect to the VPN, Mac OS users cannot get to the file shares. Windows users can get to them.
In the Client VPN settings I have the DNS set to the IP of the domain controller, and WINS set for both the domain controller and the Server 2003.
I have done a packet capture when a Mac was trying to access share and I could see the SMB request and responses going back and forth. I did not understand the packet data though.
I do not know what could be causing the Macs to fail while accessing those shares over VPN.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Dave Anderson