Hey all,
This has probably been asked before but my search hasn't given me what I need.
I've got a network, and I'm going to simplify to the relevant parts but ask questions if needed:
I have an MX84 and an MR33. DNS is routed via Umbrella.
I have many VLANs/subnets that route via the MX, so I can't blanket this restriction with a L7 or Content filter (well, from my research anyway)
I've got Android based Honeywell barcode readers that need to access specific URLs for Dynamics 365 mobile warehouse app:
*.microsoft.com |
*.microsoftonline.com |
login.windows.net |
*.appcenter.ms |
*.ces.microsoftcloud.com |
*.onyx.azure.net |
play.google.com |
itunes.apple.com |
*.cdn-apple.com |
*.networking.apple |
login.microsoftonline.com |
login.microsoft.com |
sts.windows.net |
login.partner.microsoftonline.cn |
login.chinacloudapi.cn |
login.microsoftonline.us |
login-us.microsoftonline.com |
*.applicationinsights.azure.com |
*.applicationinsights.azure.us |
*.applicationinsights.azure.cn |
*.gstatic.com |
*.googleapis.com |
CLIENTPRODURL.operations.dynamics.com |
I've also allowed TCP/UDP 53 out for all for DNS
I've done a few audits using Umbrella reporting - compared the URLs, thats why gstatic and googleapis is in my list.
I've got a test lab set up where DHCP is the Meraki and DNS is the Meraki
My reference article for these URLs is: Install the Warehouse Management mobile app - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Lea...
The problem is, despite this the app isn't working
I guess there's a few points to my question
1) Has anyone successfully limited the D365 Warehouse Management Mobile app using L3 rules?
2) What's the proper formatting for wildcard rules using FQDN. Presently I have them as policy objects without wildcards (such as microsoft.com for anything microsoft.com related)
3) Any suggestion of Android based applications for troubleshooting network connectivity issues?