MX68 is NOT ready for prime time in my opinion. I opened 2 tickets with support which are major issues in my opinion:
- MX68(w) does not have port security where the MX 64/65 does.
- Traffic going over the VPN tunnel is extremely crippled in speed.
For #2, I took an existing MX65W network and put a MX68W on it. I saw tunnel traffic go from 120 down/12up to 20 down/4up. I moved back to the MX65W, speeds resumed like normal. Moved to a MX67, speeds still just as fast as the 65W.
Then I spun up a MX67 and 68W with the 67 as the hub, terminating the 68W tunnel to it, with both on the same physical switch for tunnel/internet. Again, same throttling is occurring. Support is checking into it, but I'm not sure how this passed QA.