Is there a way to get a report of high loss?

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Is there a way to get a report of high loss?

We have a location that has both Comcast and Telesystems circuits.   But over the last couple months we get periods of high loss on the Comcast circuit.  I would like to produce a report that states when there was loss, how high is was and the duration of the loss.  

Having delt with Comcast before it's hard to get there attention unless you have iron clad facts in front of you.  So is there a way to generate such a report?


4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

Summary Report Overview - Cisco Meraki Documentation

Summary Reports provide a variety of statistics relating to usage on wireless, switch, and security appliance networks. The Summary Report page can be found by navigating to Organization > Monitor > Summary Report


The Summary Report provides a high-level overview of total traffic across all devices on this network over the time period selected ("last week" in the example below). The quantities next to the section header indicate the total amount of data traffic in each direction (upload/download) over the course of the time period. The graph will show the average total network usage over time.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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To get exactly what you want you'd need to use the API to get info from the uplink statistics, but if you have an Insight or SD-WAN+ license, the WAN Health section can show you a graph of loss, latency and jitter per uplink which may be enough?



Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Note the reports go back a maximum of 30 days.

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I am looking for a report.  I know about the graph, but there is an issue with the graph.   Because of the way the data is sampled the 100% failure gets lowered the longer the period of data is displayed.  While the 2 hour graph shows a short 100% failure for 5 minutes.  The week graph may one display it as 40% failure and a monthly graph may show it as a minor bump or not at all.

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