Google Fiber and MX100

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Google Fiber and MX100

Hello all, 


Has anyone successfully configured a High Availability (HA) Paired MX100 to function with Google Fiber in a static configuration? Google Fiber provided me with a /29 subnet, but I'm encountering difficulties in making it operational similar to other carriers. Presently, it appears that I'm obtaining an IP address from Google Fiber's DHCP range on one of my HA pair members rather than a static IP from the assigned /29. My existing setup involves Google Fiber connected to a Cisco 3850 (utilizing a Layer 2 VLAN from the modem to the MX devices), and then the MX100s. Any insights or suggestions on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

In your place, I would check with Google Fiber to see how the modem is configured, it seems to me that it is configured to do NAT and has DHCP enabled on it.
I've never worked with Google Fiber, but do you have access to the settings?
I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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